Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Get Targeted Traffic

Welcome back to Earn Online with Majik. This time I will be talking about targeting the right type of people to visit your blog. Now as I have mentioned in my previous post, 95% percent of your traffic will be from other bloggers. It is very important to make sure that you are aware of who your audience is; it is very hard to attract readers to your blog with out some kind of gimmick.

When writing your blog the only gimmick you should be using is quality posts that appeal to the type of reader you are looking to bring in. If you are writing a blog about making money online you should orient your posts to appeal to bloggers who are interested in making money online. If you are writing a personal blog you should be writing it in such a way to invoke thoughts and emotions. In any case the best thing to do before deciding on which way you want to go in terms of niche, take the time to do some surfing through the category you think your blog will fit in.

One thing that has been changing through out the past few years is that alternative media is becoming more and more popular. You could almost say that "Bloggers are the journalists of tomorrow." With that in mind you could always start a blog on current events. My first dabble into the world of blogging was with a blog oriented towards current events, unfortunately current events does not give you a niche blog but more of a page with out a strict niche. This first adventure into the world of blogging has been the most popular of my now three blogs. If you want to go see the blog that has grown the most out of my trio visit Majik's Thoughts and see a Canadian view on current events.

Now another thing to remember when you are looking for targeted traffic is: where can I find other bloggers to visit my blog? The answer is simple, hang out on blog directory forums. Every day there are hundreds even thousands of people constantly jumping in and out of discussions on these forums. Before Entrecard I was able to get an average of 30 people to visit my blog just by spending about an hour on the forums. Another key point is not to get too long winded in your posts, like this one! Forums are always good to bring traffic to your blog. Remember traffic is the life blood of a blog. But that's enough for now, till next time, Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. I was naive when I started my blog a few months ago --- thinking my visitors would be my clients or people from search engines looking for my professional services. Was I shocked to find only bloggers were vistiting! Most people are just getting used to visiting websites and are not ready for the blogosphere! StumbleUpon may be different since regular mortals use it for surfing.



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