Friday, July 11, 2008

Creating A Posting Schedule For Your Blog

Once you have created your blog and began to advertise your blog to bring readers to your blog you have to do more than just take part in discussions on forums; there is more. Creating a posting schedule for you blog helps you gain readers. More people are going to come back to read your blog if you have something new to give them. For example; I post to this blog every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Another blog I author I post every Wednesday and Saturday.

One thing which the blogger templates allows now is to schedule your posts to automatically be posted on the date you specify. You now can take and hour or two on the weekend to create enough posts to keep your page recent with more for readers to comeback to and enjoy. Creating a schedule for posting also helps with the number of pages found by search engine content crawlers. In other terms, more content equals more hits from search engines.

The reason updating on a set schedule is important for traffic growth. You need to build the number of returning visitors up by always having something new for them to read. If you have a percentage of 25% out of the x number of visits then you know that your advertising efforts are paying off because you have attracted more new visitors through various channels.

In conclusion, setting a schedule to post to your blog will help you to keep your number of readers growing. If 1 out of 25 come back for more you need to have something new for them to read. Converting your new visits into return visitors will tell you that you are doing something right. In short, keep posting and your readership will grow along with your traffic.


  1. This is good advice. My schedule is a bit haphazard since I do research for my post (still learning and trying to help other newbies!). I find it useful to keep track by starting draft posts to hold ideas on several subjects. Then when I 'must publish' I have a good starting point.

  2. I agree with you SBA. When you keep a strict schedule of posting it is good to have posts created ahead of time. I usually spend time on the weekend creating three or four posts to be published during the week so when my schedule demands it I'm not rushing to put a post together.



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