Monday, July 7, 2008

Using Sex to Promote Your Blog: An SEO Tip

Have you ever heard of Search Engine Optimization? I have, although I am still learning this part of blogging and attracting traffic to your blog one thing is for sure. "Sex Sells." You don't have to go into a long romantic story to get search engines to find your pages while younger members of the general Internet population is searching for sexy girls, or hot sexy girls in bikini's. I know some of these terms may not get everyone excited out there but there are a lot of people looking for Internet Porn.

Just by working some dirty talk into your posts you are getting attention, even if it is not the targeted attention you have been looking for. One of the most popular keywords is Girls. So many pages have links to explicit pages along with explicit content. I don't know how much traffic you will get just by mentioning hot women in your posts but I have tried this little link bait before and it has worked. The most important thing to remember is to keep it in context with what you are writing about.

Now if you are writing about using these search terms then there really is no holding back. But I digress. Over using the phrase's will detract from the message you are trying to get across. You always have to remember to post on topic with in the niche market you are targeting. Good content properly categorized will help you to keep readers coming back. Just remember when you are using photographs in your post to always give credit to the source of your images.

When I am looking for a photo to use, I always go to Wiki Media I find the licensing information on the page as well. Unless you are working on a photo journal using pictures you have taken yourself you will have to worry about giving credit where credit is due.

Happy Blogging.


  1. I totally agree, sex sells, and it's always an interesting topic.

  2. I totally agree, I wrote a sexual fantasy blog and got over 5,00 unique visitors

  3. Really, what kind of keywords usually ended up finding your blog?



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